

Study In Canada

Canada is a diverse and fascinating country. There’s so much to learn and love about Canada. With a landmass of 9.1 million square kilometers, Canada is the second-largest country in the world. Canada is located in the top half of North America, and the country is bordered by three oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. In fact, Canada have the longest coastline of any country. To south, it shares nearly 9,000 kilometers of land border with the United States. That’s the longest border in the world! Most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometers of the U.S. border. Canada’s population is around 38 million. Approximately 80% of people live in cities and towns. Canada is a multicultural and diverse country. Canadians represent 250 ethnic origins or ancestries. Canadians practice many different religions, while some claim no religious affiliation. Canada has 2 official languages: English and French. All federal government institutions and many businesses offer bilingual services.

Along with the best education system, Canada is ranked as one of the top ten places to live in the world. For the students who want the quality of education equivalent to North American Education System, Canada is the best possible option at a lower cost compared to US Universities.

Canadians place a great amount of importance on learning, and standards in education in Canada are uniformly high. There are almost 100 universities in Canada, five of which—the University of Toronto, McGill University, University of British Columbia, University de Montréal, and University of Alberta—are ranked among the top 100 in the world.

Are you wondering about the reasons behind the position of Canada as the best option for the International Students? Educare Abroad Consultancy is here to assist you in every possible way.




Canadian Dollar (CAD)


38.219 Million

Time zone

GMT-4 Ottawa






9,984,670 Sq. Km


4 per Km2

GDP Per Capital

USD 46,194


  • 123456

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